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  • Joey Hess's avatar
    avoid sync pushing view branches to remotes, and better view branch names · a11d6e0b
    Joey Hess authored
    * sync: Avoid pushing view branches to remotes.
    * Changed the name of view branches to include the parent branch.
      Existing view branches checked out using an old name will still work.
    It does not seem useful for sync to push view branches around, because
    the information in a view branch can entirely be derived from other
    information in git. And sync doesn't push adjusted branches around either.
    The better view branch names make it more in line with adjusted branch
    names, but were also needed to make fromViewBranch be able to return the
    original branch name.
    Kept the old view branch names still working. But, when those branches
    exist in a repo, sync will still try to push them as before. Avoiding
    that would need more complicated and/or expensive changes to sync.
    Sponsored-By: Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon
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