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  • Joey Hess's avatar
    Added SKEIN256 and SKEIN512 backends · a05b763b
    Joey Hess authored
    SHA3 is still waiting for final standardization.
    Although this is looking less likely given
    In the meantime, cryptohash implements skein, and it's used by some of the
    haskell ecosystem (for yesod sessions, IIRC), so this implementation is
    likely to continue working. Also, I've talked with the cryprohash author
    and he's a reasonable guy.
    It makes sense to have an alternate high security hash, in case some
    horrible attack is found against SHA2 tomorrow, or in case SHA3 comes out
    and worst fears are realized.
    I'd also like to support using skein for HMAC. But no hurry there and
    a new version of cryptohash has much nicer HMAC code, so I will probably
    wait until I can use that version.