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  • Joey Hess's avatar
    · 341269e0
    Joey Hess authored
    git-annex (4.20130815) unstable; urgency=low
      * assistant, watcher: .gitignore files and other git ignores are now
        honored, when git 1.8.4 or newer is installed.
        (Thanks, Adam Spiers, for getting the necessary support into git for this.)
      * importfeed: Ignores transient problems with feeds. Only exits nonzero
        when a feed has repeatedly had a problems for at least 1 day.
      * importfeed: Fix handling of dots in extensions.
      * Windows: Added support for encrypted special remotes.
      * Windows: Fixed permissions problem that prevented removing files
        from directory special remote. Directory special remotes now fully usable.
    # imported from the archive