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  • Joey Hess's avatar
    addon commands · aec2cf0a
    Joey Hess authored
    Seems only fair, that, like git runs git-annex, git-annex runs
    Implementation relies on O.forwardOptions, so that any options are passed
    through to the addon program. Note that this includes options before the
    subcommand, eg: git-annex -cx=y foo
    Unfortunately, git-annex eats the --help/-h options.
    This is because it uses O.hsubparser, which injects that option into each
    subcommand. Seems like this should be possible to avoid somehow, to let
    commands display their own --help, instead of the dummy one git-annex
    The two step searching mirrors how git works, it makes finding
    git-annex-foo fast when "git annex foo" is run, but will also support fuzzy
    matching, once findAllAddonCommands gets implemented.
    This commit was sponsored by Dr. Land Raider on Patreon.