Template for academic paper at UQAM.
This template is designed for one to be able to write your paper in Rmd and knit to pdf using bookdown. For convenience, five Rmd files have been pre-made, but feel free to add, or remove.
Description of files
- 0*.Rmd: Content files. Only requirement is that at the very top the
following is set:
--- knit: bookdown::render_book editor_options: markdown: wrap: 80 --- # Section name
- apalike-uqam.csl: UQAM citation style for use by pandoc-citeproc
- _bookdown.yml: Bookdown config parameters
- .gitattributes: Git attributes
- .gitignore: Git ignore settings
- .gitlab/bin/install-packages.py: Using _packages.yml file, sets up pipeline with dependencies.
- .gitlab/bin/knit.sh: Executed before bookdown render to flag any issues with syntax
- .gitlab-ci.yml: Pipeline settings
- index.Rmd: contains the main YML variables. I do not recommend putting any content here, as the RMD lint script only checks 0*.Rmd files
- library.biblatex: biblatex pipeline. Generated from Zotero using Better Bibtex plugin
- _output.yml: PDF output settings
- _packages.yml: R packages and their Alpine Linux system library dependencies If pipeline talks about needing a package, go check for that package at https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org
- preamble.tex: LATEX parameters before main body
- style.css: CSS style for knit to html (although this is just the default)
- template.tex: Generic Pandoc article LATEX template, but with UQAM style title pages
P.S. Very aware of the irony of writing this README in english given this being a french institution. The idea of writing french in VIM is weird...